
Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Ice Cream Found in China Before There Refrigerator

Ice Cream Found in China Before There
Who has not been enjoying ice cream (ice cream)? It was, almost everyone in this world like it. Starting from the parent to the children, men and women like him.

But you know, from where food comes from, and when he came to prominence in the world? Yes, the food comes from China. That said, he has been known since 3000 years BC (BC). According to some information, Marco Polo,Italian explorers have found a dessert recipe that since he was around in the Bamboo Curtain country, China's state nickname. It added

Marco Polo also brought ice cream recipe to make it to Europe, especially Italy. According to some sources, the ice cream was first invented in Italy in the 17th century AD, or about the year 1688, and then more and more popular in the 18th century (1744) Because it is typical, then the food is much to like. Hence, these foods quickly spread throughout Europe. Starting from Italy to France, America, Africa, to return to Asia. Each country has its peculiar to each.

In Europe, especially France, the ice cream there using a mixture of egg yolks. He then called French ice cream. Entry into the United States, people familiar with the style of Philadelphia, because there still are made with eggs, but taken only egg whites only. Furthermore, to add a more comfortable feeling again, mixed with vanilla ice cream.

As it grows, many mixtures of materials used to make ice cream with a unique and distinctive flavor. Everything is intended to provide a touch more delicious flavor. There is a different taste, so to the point.
But one thing is certain, for a group of people in ancient times, it is not easy to make ice cream. Especially in times of extreme weather conditions, for example, in summer or winter. Where would save them? Is there a refrigerator long ago?

Centuries ago, before the refrigerator was found, the ancient Romans used to preserve foods that they haul ice from the mountain top. With this condition certainly imagine how difficult. To store food, they have to sweat
While in Mexico, the Aztec tribe preserve food using snow. How, they dug a large hole. Then, the base and seal around them with the keys of wood or straw. After that, they fill the ice or snow into it, then closed it with a straw. Then they put the food, then closed with rapat.Dengan this way, so food is more durable.

Storage of food in this way the ancients usually done when winter arrives. Yes, in winter there's absolutely no fruits and vegetables they can eat. You see, life as it really depends on the nature. Well, thanks to the traditional refrigerator, the food so durable and residents do not lack food. For want of a more practical way, at the beginning of the 18th century, smart people in the UK started to think about making the refrigerator. They designed a refrigerator in such a way, to form a fairly large
Back to the ice cream, ice cream today is made from water that freezes in the winter are also mixed with fruit pulp, as well as other mixtures are preferred. At that time, the refrigerator or freezer has not been found.

Making ice cream continues to evolve over the course of history. Officially, the ice cream was served by Governor Bladen of Maryland who led the country in 1700. Then in 1776, the first ice cream parlor in the world opened in New York City in 1776.

An ice cream maker, and Dolly Madison created a sensation with ice Kream serve as dessert at the White House. Ice cream factory that managed the first commercial establishment in 1851 in Baltimor. Owner named Jacob Fussell.

After that, the ice cream is sold around the use of wheel slide. The first man in the world that sells ice cream with this thrust wheels named Italo Marchiony. He was selling ice cream around Wall Street with a container that can be eaten funnel. Ice cream with this container he patented in 1903.

1983, makes Oreo Cookies' N Cream and immediately became the fifth best-selling ice cream in the world in very fast time. Also born in 1991 sesasi ice cream flavors made ice cream with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. (Syafik / from various sources).

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